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Hemigraphis colorata

EAN código de barras : 8718076000351      Codigo de color : Yellow

Usage : Terrarium                                     Amount of light needed : moderate

Leaf color : red                                         Plantation zone : center

Growth speed : slow                                 Ease of use : T terrarium

Origin : Asia                                            Temperature (°c) : 23-28

Height (cm) : 12-25

"The broad, black, little lumpy brown leaves with purple bottom make this plant to have a striking appearance. Our pots contain several plants that can easily be planted next to each other. Very strong under water but still actually a Paludarium plant."

Price €4.00

lobelia cardinalis

EAN barcode : 8718076000009            Color code : Orange

Usage : Aquascaping                           Usage : nano

Amount of light needed : moderate       Leaf color : light green/ yellow

Plantation zone : center                       Plantation zone : foreground

Growth speed : slow                            Ease of use : easy

Origin : America, North                       Temperature (°c) : 15-26

Height (cm) : 5-20

"This plant appears to be very small and fragile, but really it is very strong. The little plant will only grow a little in height but much more in width. It becomes a dense bush while it remains on in place. So it needs very little care. The leaves remain small in area and more and more leaves will appear. Ideal for aquascape and Nano cube."

Regular price €4.00 Price €3.40

Sera Spirulina Tabs 60 gr 100 pastillas

Sera Spirulina Tabs es el alimento vegetal para peces principalmente herbívoros e invertebrados de agua dulce y salada.

Las pastillas cuidadosamente elaboradas se hunden o se pueden pegar en el cristal del acuario, presionándolas con el dedo. Así, resulta muy fácil observar los peces, incluso los más tímidos, mientras comen.

El contenido especialmente alto de algas espirulina (un 27%) favorece una digestión saludable y la vitalidad. Este alimento equilibrado favorece el desarrollo sano, un buen aspecto y el comportamiento natural de los animales.

Price €5.50