Pagoda rock 3 anubias 20-25 cm 2kg
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 20-25 cm
Approximate weight: 2kg
There are 514 products.
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 20-25 cm
Approximate weight: 2kg
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 15-20 cm
Approximate weight: 3kg
Aquarium branches thailand tree 30 to 40 cm
Roots with artificial plant resin 16 x 34 x 10 cm
Floating rock that is fixed to the bottom with a nylon thread adjusting the height desired by the user.
Suction cups included
Background for aquarium MOD Amazonas height 50cm 3,30€ meter
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Salvinia natans floating plant terrine 175 ml
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Eusteralis stellata 15-20 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Hidrofila corymbosa 15-20 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Rotala rotundifolia 15-20 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorum minor 10-12 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Los SERA cichlids Sticks son un alimento básico sabroso sin colorantes artificiales para cíclidos y otros peces grandes.
Hidrocoryle vulgaris 15 a 20 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver 5 to 7 days
Si los ingredientes como el salmón, la salmuera y el krill no fueron suficientes, hemos agregado Spirulina a este excepcional copo. Ideal para peces marinos y de agua dulce, Spirulina mejorará el color, estimulará el sistema inmunológico y asegurará un mejor crecimiento con menos grasa corporal. Spirulina contiene la concentración más notable y la combinación de nutrientes.
Alimento completo y enriquecido con ajo que mejora las defensas de peces de agua dulce y salada, en forma de gránulos de 2 mm de hundimiento controlado