Dragon rock with anubia 10-12cm 600g
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 10-12 cm
Approximate weight: 600g
There are 12 products.
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 10-12 cm
Approximate weight: 600g
Lysimachia nummunaria
Pack 2 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 8-12 cm
Approximate weight: 500g
New Life Spectrum Betta fórmula se hace con alta calidad
New Life Spectrum® Invertebrate is a calcium-fortified member of our specialty line of aquarium diets for a range of aquarium companions. The line consists of crustacean and macro-feeding invertebrate pellets (for anemones and similar). Of course, it features the core of the Spectrum Nutrition Formula that provides complete, balanced daily nutrition, including marine-sourced protein and veggies.
Espectro de alimentos se hace con alta calidad fácilmente digeribles y proteína de krill arenque con ingredientes potenciadores de color
Si los ingredientes como el salmón, la salmuera y el krill no fueron suficientes, hemos agregado Spirulina a este excepcional copo. Ideal para peces marinos y de agua dulce, Spirulina mejorará el color, estimulará el sistema inmunológico y asegurará un mejor crecimiento con menos grasa corporal. Spirulina contiene la concentración más notable y la combinación de nutrientes.
They are served clean and free of bacteria. You can choose the type of plant or moss. Please contact us
Approximate size: 8-10 cm
Approximate weight: 500g
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 10-15 cm
Approximate weight: 500g
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 10-12 cm
Approximate weight: 600g
Examples for guidance, served clean and free of bacteria.
Approximate size: 5-10cm
Approximate weight: 500g
Este alimento no es un medicamento por si mismo, por tanto durante los períodos de enfermedad deberían seguir aplicándose los tratamientos específicos necesarios contra cada tipo de patógeno, al mismo tiempo que se alimenta con Thera A.