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There are 88 products.
lobelia cardinalis
EAN barcode : 8718076000009 Color code : Orange
Usage : Aquascaping Usage : nano
Amount of light needed : moderate Leaf color : light green/ yellow
Plantation zone : center Plantation zone : foreground
Growth speed : slow Ease of use : easy
Origin : America, North Temperature (°c) : 15-26
Height (cm) : 5-20
"This plant appears to be very small and fragile, but really it is very strong. The little plant will only grow a little in height but much more in width. It becomes a dense bush while it remains on in place. So it needs very little care. The leaves remain small in area and more and more leaves will appear. Ideal for aquascape and Nano cube."
Ludwigia Palustris Red 15 to 20 cm
Ludwigia Palustris Red 15 to 20 cm
Lysimachia nummularia [strip Ramo]
EAN code bar : 8718076000603 Color code : Yellow
Amount of light needed : moderate Leaf color : light green/ yellow
Plantation zone : background Growth speed : fast
Ease of use : medium Origin : Europe
Temperature (°c) : 6-26 Height (cm) : 15-45
"It is a very decorative plant that grows almost everywhere as long as it gets sufficient light. Just as nr. 290 goldfish love to eat it. "
Microsorium pteropus (java fern) Strik ramo 20-25cm
Microsorium pteropus (java fern) Strik ramo 20-25cm
Microsorum Windelov crisped leaves
Microsorum Windelov crisped leaves
Pegamento liquido inst ,troncos,raices 50ml
Special gel glue for plants and moss. Glues even under water
Rotala indica
EAN bar code : 8718076005134 Color code : White
Usage : Aquascaping Usage : Paludarium
Amount of light needed : plenty Leaf color : red
Plantation zone : background Growth speed : fast
Ease of use : easy Origin : Asia
Temperature (°c) : 20-28 Height (cm) : 40-50
"The Rotala Indica changes under water from a plant with red-green leaves to a plant with only little green leaves. It grows slowly and therefore easily remains a little low plant. "
Special gel glue for plants 5g
Special gel glue for plants and moss. Glues even under water