Natural Gravel 6-8mm 1kg
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
There are 593 products.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Polished natural gravel free of dust and moisture, does not change the water parameters.
Bonsai built by hand with natural wood, ideal for natural decoration and aquascaping landscaping, to attach or tie in their small branches natural moss resulting in a beautiful decorative appearance
Bonsai built by hand with natural wood, ideal for natural decoration and aquascaping landscaping, to attach or tie in their small branches natural moss resulting in a beautiful decorative appearance
Isolates and secures the breeding female
Ideal for maintenance and fattening of the fry
Nursing for convalescent fish
Thin network that allows water to pass through
New Life Spectrum Algae / Gel es un polvo denso en nutrientes que se mezcla en minutos para crear un alimento de gel suave estable en agua.
Experimenta una mejora extrema del color y una vitalidad extra en tus peces. Las píldoras de fusión de uso múltiple New Spectrum proporcionan elementos esenciales que se encuentran en la naturaleza
New Life Spectrum Betta fórmula se hace con alta calidad
New Life Spectrum aumenta notablemente el color y mejoran el sistema inmunológico
New Life Spectrum aumenta notablemente el color y mejoran el sistema inmunológico
Thera A es un alimento especialmente enriquecido con ajo y formulado para todo tipo de peces de agua dulce y salada
DoughMIX es un producto que crea un nuevo tipo de alimento para acuarios exclusivo de Spectrum, al que la compañía se refiere como "masa de alimentación". Alimentar la masa es un alimento para peces en una forma suave, húmeda y flexible que puede usarse para peces que se adaptan al pastoreo
New Life Spectrum® Invertebrate is a calcium-fortified member of our specialty line of aquarium diets for a range of aquarium companions. The line consists of crustacean and macro-feeding invertebrate pellets (for anemones and similar). Of course, it features the core of the Spectrum Nutrition Formula that provides complete, balanced daily nutrition, including marine-sourced protein and veggies.