Ludwigia Palustris Red 15 to 20 cm
Ludwigia Palustris Red 15 to 20 cm
There are 471 products.
Ludwigia Palustris Red 15 to 20 cm
Ludwigia Palustris red
Pack 5 units
Delivery 5 to 7 days
Ludwigia Palustris Red
Pack 5 units
Delivery 5 to 7 days
EAN code bar : 8718076000603 Color code : Yellow
Amount of light needed : moderate Leaf color : light green/ yellow
Plantation zone : background Growth speed : fast
Ease of use : medium Origin : Europe
Temperature (°c) : 6-26 Height (cm) : 15-45
"It is a very decorative plant that grows almost everywhere as long as it gets sufficient light. Just as nr. 290 goldfish love to eat it. "
Highly effective treatment against whitehead, oodinium and other fish parasites. And against various ectoparasites of freshwater fish, such as Costia, Chilodonella and Trichodina. Much more effective than other Copper Sulfate based treatments. It combines copper with an amine that makes it more stable, effective and tolerable, and less toxic.
Microsorium pteropus (java fern) Strik ramo 20-25cm
Microsorium pteropus java fern on trunk
Microsorium trident
Pack 3 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorium Windelov
Pack 2 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorium Windelov
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorum minor 10-12 cm
Pack 2 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorum minor 10-12 cm
Pack 5 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Microsorum Windelov crisped leaves
High quality beads, high absorption of multi-porous bacteria. They are served in individual bags with zip to facilitate the amount to put in your filter.
High quality beads, high absorption of multi-porous bacteria. They are served in individual bags with zip to facilitate the amount to put in your filter.
Musgo Taxiphyllum SP spicky
Pack 2 units
Deliver in 5 to 7 days
Bonsai built by hand with natural wood, ideal for natural decoration and aquascaping landscaping, to attach or tie in their small branches natural moss resulting in a beautiful decorative appearance
Bonsai built by hand with natural wood, ideal for natural decoration and aquascaping landscaping, to attach or tie in their small branches natural moss resulting in a beautiful decorative appearance